Monday, January 28, 2019

I’m back (with glitter face masks) bitches!

I’ve decided to come back—hopefully better than ever—with my renewed devotion to take better care of myself. I picked up some fun new things at Ulta and Amazon and I will share my process and results with you, my fellow gilded kitties.
Earlier this year I got a terrible skin rash that I had to take antibiotics for and I’m still working on getting rid of the red scarring. My skin challenges are  brightening/getting rid of skin spots, anti-aging and diminishing fine lines.  In the winter my face tends to be drier and since it is the middle of winter here I have to be careful with how many masks and treatments I do to keep the balance. So far I’m very happy with the products I’ve tried and how they have made my skin look and feel.
Today I’m going to show you the funnest masks I have, the Memebox Kitten masks.

They have pulverized minerals in them, I’m not sure exactly why but me being a crystal junkie it does make me happy. I did get all three during Ulta’s 50% off sale day and I’m happy I did. They have a pretty strong perfume smell but I like it so it doesn’t bother me. I also like how you get to peel these off vs rinsing them off, they tend to pull off fine facial hairs and that layer of dead skin so your face just feels immaculate afterwards.
I used all three and painted them together for ease of peeling. This seems like an opportunity for a good caption contest.

Does this contour look too obvious?

This is how glowy and nice my skin looks the next day. So I do recommend you try these masks from Memebox if you feel inclined and want to try a fun peel-off mask infused with crystals. Bonus fun if you use one of the cute headbands while you do it!